Thursday, September 21, 2006
Just like a dream...
Under the dark sky of a breezing night,
I was dragged by the wind to your life,
A word blow like wind,
And caressed my face as bliss.
A Torment of emotions I felt,
As I look at your words banish and melt.
A confession coming from deep
Rubbing off all the hate from me
A long road together we took
Down the blurred groove
We got there.
We are married....
posted by S.B at 8:04 AM | Permalink
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bésame la boca con tu lagrima de risa,
Bésame la luna y tapa el sol con el pulgar
Y bésame el espacio entre mi cuerpo y tu silueta,
El mar mas profundo besare en tu humedad
Bésame el susurro que me hiciste en el oído
Besa el recorrido de mis manos a tu altar,
Con agua bendita de tu fuente Bésame toda la frente
Que me bautiza y me bendice De esa manera de besar
Besa mis campos y mis flores com tus gotitas de colores
Besa la lluvia que resbala la ventana
Besa mi vida y mi cenizas y me dirás que voy deprisa
Bésame y llega con un grito que lo logre,
Besa el torrente de ilusiones
Bésame todas las pasiones
Besa mi río hasta su desembocadura
Besa mi vida y mi ceniza,
Me dirás que voy deprisa,
Besa mis días y mis noches mis diluvios y mi cielo a pleno sol.
Bésame los ojos aún dormido en la mañana
Bésame la piel con el caudal de tu estrechez Con agua bendita de tu fuente
Bésame toda la frente que me bautiza Y me bendice de esa manera de besar
posted by S.B at 12:08 AM | Permalink
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I saw parts of me falling,
Under the crystalloid look of your eyes.
I saw the reach of my arms getting short,
Under the soft touch of your hands.
I saw my dreams and fears colliding,
Under the gentle kiss in the bright.
The night is no longer dark,
The sun is no longer pale,
Today, the melody I composed was applauded
The ecstasy is getting close.

May 27, 2006
posted by S.B at 10:06 PM | Permalink
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I was riding the storm of life when ,
I saw faces smiling to me with the devil in the heart,
People lying even about the color of the sky,
Hypocrisy dripping as rain scented with lies,
I saw devils and angles incarnated in one .
posted by S.B at 8:23 PM | Permalink
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I will wipe the sky today,
And paint the night dark .
I will draw the moon ,
Along with the stars.
I will kindle the candle of delight,
But, it is me who will put the flame tonight.
I will give up my pride,
My riches seems to no longer last .
I will cover your eyes with silent words,
And wet your skin with an immense love.
I will hold my breath to hear yours ,
And climb to the highest of your dunes .
I will break the moment into pieces ,
To put them together when you leave.
I will take your poison tonight ,
And make you bear the guilt of my death.
But I promise I will reborn,
When you will come to me again .
To the man I want to be true ,
I will die and reborn for you .
posted by S.B at 6:11 PM | Permalink
Saturday, March 25, 2006
When you are not here
When you are not here,
I am lost between
The touch, That your hands ,
Left in the bends of my face.
And the crash, That your voice,
Left in the corners of my walls.

When you are not here,
I walk on the shores,
To rescue our dreams.
The ones we sketched on the sand,
And the ones we whispered to the breeze.

When you are not here,
I drink the wine of our days.
Just to bring you back along with the bliss .
Tonight , I drank it all ;
And still you are not here.
posted by S.B at 11:19 PM | Permalink
Saturday, March 18, 2006
My Mysterious Glory
What did you do,
Please rub off my grieve ;
And tell me what did you do.
To get to the deepest of my soul ,
To change me as no one could.

How did you get in;
If the doors were sheltered.
How did you cross all the barriers;
If all others resisted.
Is it something in your eyes,
Or maybe in your smile;
That makes my determination frail and die .

This hunt for an answer is met with a cloudy day.
And the sky is dripping all what my eyes cannot shed .
Give me hints to your mystery ,
Or just take me away in your ferry .
I will ride with you the storm .
I will take with you the endless road .
And I will keep my love for you.
As my mysterious glory .
posted by S.B at 8:53 PM | Permalink